Usability is The extent to which a product can be used by specified users to achieve specific goals with effectiveness, efficiency and satisfaction in a specified context of use. (ISO 9241-11:2018(en), 2018)
We learnt the differences between a Project Manager and a Product Owner. The Product Owner is the one who needs to ensure that UX is supported. Even-though customers tastes are subjective, several methods and metrics can be used to gather valuable data to get more insights into the customers' behaviour. One of the frameworks used in that purpose is called AARRR, The AARRR framework was defined by Dave McClure, who is an investor in Silicon Valley and founded 500 startups. (Anon, n.d.)
He aimed to create a list of metrics that would effectively measure the quality of the work being done by an organisation. AARRR Pirate Metrics framework is an acronym for a set of five user-behaviour metrics that product-led growth businesses should be tracking: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue. (Anon, n.d.)
Anon (n.d.) AARRR Pirate Metrics Framework. Available from: [Accessed 21 January 2022].