We continue our weekly meeting with all the group members to move forward with the project.
This week, we got a clear picture of the software development life cycles, mainly Agile and Waterfall.
We can split SDLC into two classifications: Adaptive or prédictive.
Scrum, Extreme Programming, Feature-driven Development, Kansan, TTD( Test-driven Development) and BDD (Behavioural-driven Development) are categorised as adaptive development (Agile).
Agile is a term used to describe software development methods that emphasise staged delivery, teamwork, continuous planning, and learning.
It is a project management process that involves ongoing collaboration and iteration. Agile methodology is a method of managing a project by breaking it down into phases.
In agile software development, stories (similar to use-case descriptions) are often used to define requirements, while iterations are small periods of time in which a team works to achieve a specific goal.
Those iterations are called sprints.
After receiving feedback from stakeholders or managers, if anything needs to be adapted, deleted or added, we can proceed with the change and start over the phase multiple times until everything meets the initial user stories and requirements.