Unit 3

Network Fundamentals

In this unit, we start getting some basic networking knowledge such as ISO/OSI 7-layer, TCP/IP, internet tools and IPv4,IPv6.

I began getting some hands-on Kali Linux by trying some tools used for network discovery like ping, traceroute and dig. In addition to that, I spent some time experimenting with the tool Nmap which is a network mapper. Nmap is used in the cybersecurity industry as a tool to discover vulnerabilities in a network.

We also conducted a test on the IP address from the other team's serveur as a collaborative learning discussion.

Regarding the team project, we all started to discuss which tools we will use for the design document. We will use those tools to scan our opponent’s servers to discover possible vulnerabilities on their network system.

Before moving to week 4, I wanted to be sure to get all the basic knowledge to contribute in the most effective way to the design document.